The Onion


The Onion is a physical, immersive environment that allows two individuals to share their experiences without any prior biases or influence. The project was largely inspired by a period of time in the Spring and Summer of 2020 when political and social views became increasingly polarizing and divisize in the United States.

The concept of the onion exterior came about from the correlation between the vegetable’s ability to peel layers just like humans do. Social theories were then explored that could supplement the framework of this project by providing scientific background on human interaction and facilitating vulnerable discourse. The Social Penetration Theory became the driving force that unified both psychological and physical concepts because of its fundamental examina- tion in the gradiation of interpersonal relationships and communication between individuals.



Each layer of the onion represented each stage of the theory itself.

Participants begin their journey in The Onion with a disclaimer of the experience as well as a recorded audio interview of six questions that represent each stage of the Social Penetration Theory (introductory questions such as their interests and hobbies, and then leading to more vulnerable questions such as their childhood or any challenges they might be currently facing) that will ultimately provoke the start of the introspective experience.

Once they finish their interview, the participants continue onto the maze where they are confronted with the same questions. However, rather than hearing their responses, they hear the experiences of the other participant. The participants will hear the audio up until they reach the center, where they are then able to meet the other participant and have the choice to further the conversation, or leave the conversation as is.

This project served as a reminder that through our vulnerability, courage, and humanity, we will find that we are more alike than we will ever be different. And ultimately, the choice rests in us to take the first steps to be active in difficult conversations.